Angelina Jolie, Farrah Fawcett, Tom Petty

1Dying Angie Jolie leaves $116 M to Son Maddox – Ailing Angelina Jolie is reportedly down to 92 pounds and is leaving her film empire, called Jolie Pas, worth $116 million to her son Maddox and cutting her five other children out of the will. Maddox was on the private plane in September 2016 when there was a family fight that lead to Angie divorcing Brad Pitt. Maddox took Angie’s side.

2Farrah Fawcett Portrait for Sale – Ryan O’Neil is asking $18 million for the Andy Warhol portrait of heart throb Farrah Fawcett, of Charlie’s Angels fame. Warhol gifted the portrait to the lovebirds, but Farrah’s alma mater the University of Texas claimed Farrah willed the painting to the school. Love Story star Ryan fought off the school’s claim, and now wants to cash out without leaving the portrait to his junkie son Redman who is behind bars for attempted murder.

3Tom Petty Marketing – Tom Petty’s widow Dana and his daughters are in a food fight over tom’s first daughter from his first marriage Adria from using Tom’s likeness to peddle salad dressing. Dana claims that Tom would never have sold out despite many chances to do so. Adria says Dana has been misappropriating money from Tom’s estate and Dana says Adria is unhinged.

By | 2019-07-24T15:34:25-08:00 July 10th, 2019|Categories: Estate Plans, Law Talk TV, Video Episode, Will Contests|

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