Huguette Clark, Frank Sinatra, Robin Williams estates

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1Huguette Estate – Huguette Clark was a mysterious and reclusive New York multi-millionairess who passed away near her 105th birthday. Clark was the daughter of William Andrews Clark, who was believed to be one of the richest Americans of his time. No one saw Huggette for 22 years. She watched over by a private nurse, her attorney, and an accountant — Clark was said to have considered her collection of dolls to be her closest companions. When she has passed away, her $400 million went an art foundation that her will created and to her long-time nurse, Hadassah Peri, and various other individuals, including her attorney and accountant who each stand to receive $500,000 each.

2Frank Sinatra No Contest – Frank, married four times, had a no contest clause in his Trust because he did not want his family to fight over his inheritance. A living trust is similar to a will, but it is not subject to probate – judicial certification – and therefore does not become a public document.

3Robin Williams Image Licensing – Williams left behind an estate estimated somewhere between $50 and $100 million including art and investments, Napa Valley mansion and home in Tiburon. His image licensing, as in most situations with deceased celebrities, would normally provide the estate the opportunity for additional earnings, but Williams put a restriction clause in his Trust that bars anyone from using his likeness for 25 years after his death.

By | 2019-07-24T15:44:54-08:00 March 13th, 2019|Categories: Estate Plans, Law Talk TV, Video Episode|

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